mandag 14. juni 2010


My second layout for World Cup online class is this. It is for the same challenge as the first. Today I have bought transparent embossingpowder so I will tomorrow night try that out. Looks awsome, can't wait! But today and to night , AND tomorrow is planning days for next school year so have only this little time for a some blogging.  Dinner coming up, and then back to work. Have a lovely monday afternoon! [unfortunately I made this photo too small. What is your adwice on size. This is 300]

1 kommentar:

  1. Stakkars barn, får de ikke mat i heimen og må dele med pus hi hi.
    Jeg gjør ingenting str. messig med bildene av LOene mine når jeg legger de ut, men de er nok i 300dpi de fleste.


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