Waldemar drinks out of a glass for the first time. He is sceptical, surpised and at last HAPPY. It is amazing how small children understand when they are doing the same as the rest of us and how they grow from it in confidence and satisfaction.
I am really excited about this class, my first online work shop and lasting for a whole month {parallell to the football world cup. A coincidence? Nope!}! It all started yesterday. And here is my result. Sketch, colours and the decorating of the tag was part of the lesson. I loved doing this, and indeed I like to use many photoes!
I am really excited about this class, my first online work shop and lasting for a whole month {parallell to the football world cup. A coincidence? Nope!}! It all started yesterday. And here is my result. Sketch, colours and the decorating of the tag was part of the lesson. I loved doing this, and indeed I like to use many photoes!
Jeg kommenterer på norsk, altså. Virker som et ålreit kurs, og det er NEPPE tilfeldig valgt tidspunkt, de regner vel med at mange menn er opptatte med sitt.
SvarSlettJeg kommenterer også på norsk. Kurset blir sikkert flott.
SvarSlettMulig noe har gått meg hus forbi, men hvorfor skriver du på engelsk?